Selasa, 16 September 2008

i knw him more...

About him;
His Birthday:
How long have you been together?
- 7 years
How long did you know each other before you got together?
- 8 years
What physical features attracted you to him first?:
- his eyes n nose
Hair color:
- black.
Hair style:
- dun hv style but nice in my eye
How did you meet?
- meet him tyme d berakas kem
How serious is it:
- very serious
Are you in love
- really in love wit him
Do your parents like him:
- yea my parent like him very much
Do you trust him?
- yea really trust.
Does he let you wear his pants?
- au lah... dady i love to wear ur boxer hehe
Do you have a shirt of his that you sleep with?
- yeah.. baju bula nya haha
Do you like the way he smells:
-yea.. harum kaliah dady ah..
Can you picture having kids with him:
- yeah.. i want hv a kids wit him
Does he have a temper?
- nop... ea cool ja
Are you happy to be with him:
- very2 happy lah...
Does he have any piercings?:
- no.... only me hv in my nose hehe
Does he have any scars that you know of?:
-yea hv..
Is he a party dude or stay at home kind of guy?:
- stay at home
Is he Outgoing or Shy?
- outgoing.
Would he hang out with you and YOUR friends?
- yea...
Does he sing?
- au tapi aku ja mndangar ea nyanyi
Does he snore?
- yea...
Do you like his friends?
- depends...

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